The Students' Representative Council (SRC) and Faculty Council elections are governed by the Election Regulations that were approved by the UCT Council in 2020. The Election Regulations provide for the Election Commission, as an independent and impartial body, to oversee and govern the SRC and Faculty Council elections or by-elections in a free and fair manner.

The Election Operations Office is the administrative branch of the Election Commission that, under the supervision of the Election Commission and in accordance with the Election Regulations, run the SRC and Faculty Council elections from a logistical and administrative stand point.

The 2024 Election Timetable

Overview of the SRC & FC Elections Timetable


Nominations are now open and the nomination forms and supporting document links can be found at:

Information on Elections 

Find out more about the elections on SRC & FC Elections Vula.

How to vote?

Students can vote online using the eBallot platform.

Click on the below image to be redirected to the online voting site and use your UCT credentials to log in.



Who can vote?

A student must be registered at UCT for at least one complete semester in order to be eligible to vote in the elections.

Contact details